
Jasmine And Lauren To Lead 2015-16 Wheatleyan Team

Sixth Form Media

Jasmine Shankster-East and Lauren Putnam will be Editor and Deputy Editor respectively for the 2015-16 edition of our annual magazine 'The Wheatleyan'.

Editor Jasmine has already been involved with the production of a very successful new edition of our Sixth Form Voice leaflet; she has experience of broadcast journalism courtesy of former pupils Emma Walden and Mandy Bhandal, has already submitted articles for Bablake media and is looking at a possible career in Law. Deputy Editor Lauren, who has her sights set on a Dentistry degree, has been heavily involved in an impressive range of co-curricular activity and was an impressive force for Fairfax House at this term's Shell House Olympics.

Staff Editor Mr Mark Woodward commented: "I am delighted with my key editors and early discussions have already proved very positive. It has been a very difficult but immensely enjoyable task for me to select the full team of just over a dozen journalists, but I am looking forward to informing the relevant students about their selection during the next week. On paper, I have a very strong team, which will be working on a magazine that has been recognised nationally by the Shine Media Awards for its original artwork and photography in particular. I am confident Bablake's student journalism will continue to stand out!"


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