
Annual Science Technicians Conference Another Success

Senior School Science

Bablake's third annual 'Science Technicians' conference was once again a successful and explosive afternoon.

Almost 20 technicians from local schools, universities and theatres came to Bablake and learnt how to prepare, deliver and clear up safely a variety of exciting demonstrations.  This included how to make paper disappear in flames, create a fire tornado and change the colour of flames as well as remove the oxide layer from aluminium foil so it reacts with air. 

The event was once again organised by Miss Sam Holyman, our Junior Science Co-ordinator with excellent support from our senior technician Miss Amy Hardie and Breckland Chemical Suppliers.

Miss Holyman commented: “It was an amazing afternoon! Everyone was able to share ideas and try new takes on traditional practicals. It was lovely to welcome such a large group of technicians to Bablake - there were plenty of familiar faces but also a good number of new visitors.”

“I was delighted to welcome Mrs Selena Kermode (RSC Education Coordinator), from the University of Warwick Chemistry department's Outreach Programme, and her 'glow in the dark' pens for the second year running. The conference is always a great opportunity to make links with other local schools, allowing us to share ideas on how to develop Practical Science for secondary schools,” she added.


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